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Global Dialogue
Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community

Michal Kravcik (Kravčík)

for Discussion Roundtables 1, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36 and 47

Table of Contents


Program for restoration of hydrological cycle at Continents and Planet cooling.

The existing climatic changes debate has to now been based on considerations that the global warming trend has been copying the atmospheric pollution  trends. This might have been the reason why most of world renowned specialists incline to believe that,  created by industrial pollution of the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect  is the cause of the global warming. This consideration issues from insuficient knowledge of other, much more crucial phenomena that can drastically effect the the Planet´s  temperature regime. In order to bring some uncertainity in both the radical advocates of the Kyoto Protocol, and in skeptics who believe that the planetary temperature changes are only a solar systém natural phenomenon,  herein we offer the global community our modest knowledge  on other relevant causes of global warming, which to now have not been paid attention, and which   show that   humans do influence the global changes in the Planet´s heating regime.


One of unique phenomena, which contributes to our Planet´s temperature stabilization, includes the protection envelope created among others also from water steams. Based on the existing debate, the Planet´s protection envelope has been considered stable and unchanging with its thick layer stabilizing the Planet´s heating regime.


The heat comes from the Sun to the Earth in form of ultra-violet radiation. Part of it penetrates the atmosphere (e.g. by burning skin). Surrounding the Earth by its hundreds kilometres thick layer, the atmosphere does not act only as a protection filter, but also as a lense. The light coming from the Sun refracts when passing the atmosphere. The closer to the Earth surface, the densier is the air, and the more intensily the light refracts. Not all Sun beams reach the Earth surface. Part of them are absorbed by the outer part of atmosphere, another part is dissolved, and part is knocked off.


·                                  Cause of absorption are water steams

·                                  Cause of reflection are water steams, but also dust in the atmosphere

·                                  Cause of diffusion are the most suble particles of dust, and gass  molecules


                 Morevoer, a great volume of water steams in the atmosphere not only protects the Earth surface from heating discharge, but it also filters the beams that are harmful to living organisms. The protection envelope is created by water steams that absorb, reflect and diffuse light, heat and ultra-violet radiation. Molecules of water steams together with other particles (dust and gass molecules) diffuse, reflect and absorb both light, heat and ultraviolet radiation. So if there were no water steams, dust and gass molecules in the atmosphere, there would be no life in our Planet. Nevertheless, this is only a theoretical view, as water in the atmosphere exists thanks to a great amount of water evaporated from the Earth surface every day. Such water in gaseous state returns back to the Earth creating rainfalls.


                   The question is whether it is possible to change volume of steams in the atmosphere. It is possible provided that decrease or increase of water evaporation from the earth surface would occur. Paradoxilly, the increase of water evaporated into the atmosphere is possible if the Planet is overheated, as increase of water steams volume in the protective envelope leads to a logical conclusion : cooling of the Planet. However the process is just opposite : the Planet Earth has been warming. This means that the protective layer has been thinning. How is it possible, if we already know that the warming of the Planet leads logically to increase of evaporation ?


                   The answer is remarkably simple : the increase of temperature can lead to the increase of evaporation only provided that there is enough water in ecosystems that feed the hydrological cycle. The problem is that the cause of fadding of a great amount of water from ecosystems  lies in human economic activities. The hydrological cycle analyses in Slovakia show that the Slovakia´s watersheds has been drying out, and that ca 250 million m3 water disappears yearly from Slovakia due to drainage and drying out of the land surface. So over the last 50 years, more than 10 billion m3 water had been lost from Slovakia, which finished stored in the oceans (oceans levels raising)


                   This water vanishes not only from the ecosystems, but also from the whole hydrological cycle at continents. Because what people do in Slovakia, they do elsewhere. So if the drying out  at all Earth´s   continents has been occuring with the same severity as it has been in Slovakia, over two billion m3 water daily has been lost from continents, according to the preliminary calculations. Quite logically, the cause of oceans levels raising in this stage is the drying out of continents, or more precisely, drying out of small hydrological cycle above the continents.


                   It follows that it does not involve only drying out of ecosystems at continents, but also drying of the whole hydrological cycle. This leads to the decay of atmosphere over the continents. Interaction of the atmopheric decay over the continents with the atmosphere above the oceans should logically lead to the stronger dynamics of atmospheric disturbances above the continents with sudden invasions of cool or warm frontal systems on continents. In essence,  it is already happening. It is surprising that these connections can be quantified, and that multitude of experts from all over the world have not discerned it, or if you like, have underestimated the need of maintaining  the hydrological cycle stability as a prevention from extremes of weather and natural disasters.



                   By recognition of hydrological cycle changes in the Central European zone, we have come to the conclusion that what we urgently need is to stop the drying out of all the world´s  watersheds by means of whole-areal retaining of rainwater. This simple solution can give us a chance not only to get more water for people, food and nature, but we also have a chance to mitigate the negative impacts of climatic changes, and to avoid possible international conflicts for water or food. In connection with it, the stopping the drying out of continents program can avoid fulfilling the UN prognosis saying that in 2025 over 3 billion people will live in the dried out regions of the world.


                   If we will continue drying out of hydrological cycle at continents, then it will lead to fulfilment of the UN prognosis with all its dramatic impacts on the heating regimes including uncontrolable changes in the Blue Planet´s global ecosystem.


                   If we try and go on our interpretation of dry-out connections  - provided that it is already happening – we can arrive to more mind-bending connections. These can help us perceive the logics of dynamic processes of impacts caused by humans on hydrological cycle with potential risk of  calamity scenarios. They will also offer solutions to define steps necessary to také in order to reverse the dangerous trends. The hydrological cycle drying out is  too risky for the currently thinning Earth´s protective layer, and for intensification of solar radiation. Water vanishing from the hydrological cycle is stored in the oceans.


                   Over the last hundred years, the oceans levels raised by10 cm at minimum. Considering this, it is quite easy to quantify extent of such a world-wide program aimed at watering of continents so that we could return the water stored in the oceans back to the hydrological cycle. It involves the global program for whole-area watering of watersheds with more than 30.000 billion m3 water in the period of ca ten years. This means that it is vital to create conditions for increased areal retaining capacity of the landscape each year to retain 3.000 billion m3. It might seem a bit unrealistic, however, it means 500 m3 water a year per each person of our Planet.


                   We find it vital to disseminate this information all over the world, as the severity of drying out has been reaching it climax and final stage. It seems if we will not manage to stop the drying out of continents during the next decade, the Planet Earth will face a global cataclysm probably as early as the first half of the 21st century.


                   Therefore, People and water NGO invites all stakeholders to cooperate by any possible way to help stopping the drying of watersheds at all continents. What we need is to launch a world-wide campaign for whole-area hydrological cycle restoration program at all continents so that we could have more water in our watersheds, more water in the atmosphere. We need to saturate the hydrological cycle. And it is possible if we stop drying out of continents. Water is the key to the Planet´s  cooling.


Michal Kravcik, People and Water, Slovakia

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The New Theory of The Global Warming

by Michal Kravcik, Jan Hronsky, Jaroslav Tesliar, Robert Zvara


Hydrological cycle

The water that in the form of the rain falls on the earth’s surface of the Blue planet is from Blue planet. Evaporated water from water level (oceans) and the lands (continents) gets into the atmosphere and creates protective coating of the Blue planet. Saturated water steams make clouds and by the drop of the temperature they turn to rain. The raindrops fall on the earth’s surface and penetrate into the ground and make the groundwater. If there are too many drops they penetrate into the underground waters and later they spring on the earth’s surface, where they create streams and rivers. If there are extremely many drops the rainwater flows into the ditches, creeks and rivers.

Ground water evaporates into the atmosphere and is a part of a little hydrological cycle. The underground water saturates the streams and creates the basic conditions for hydrological network of the creeks and rivers. The underground water and rainwater flows away by rivers into the oceans and belongs to a large hydrological cycle. By the lowering of the natural accumulation of waters in the soil, we lower the volume of water in the soil and the atmosphere, we increase the outflow of the rainwater by rivers to the oceans that increase the volume of water in the oceans. This means that the increased outflow of the rainwater from the continent will never return back on the continent, because the evaporated water from the oceans on principles does not increase.

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Our civilization has been systematically working on drying out of Continents

Press release, January 5, 2005

Drying out of the Continents results in unweighting of the Earth´s crust of continents, while on the other hand, the Earth´s crust of oceans is overloaded by the same weight of water. The Earth´s crust of continents has been unweithed and overloaded by billions tons of water. Over the last one hundred years, the Eart´s crust at the Continents has been unweighted, while the Earth´s crust at the oceans has been overloaded by over 37.000 billion ton of water (raising of the oceans´ levels by ca 10 cm).

As a result, the spacial changes occur in the Earth´s crust loading, what has been the potential source of the crust´s movement at geological faults. Over the last 100 years, the spacial changes of the Eart´s crust loading have increased, both at continents, and in oceans. This is one of the causes of more frequent incidence of more intense earthquakes. If the drying out of continents would continue, we may expect even more destructive earthquakes, both at continents, and under the oceans´s surface, with catastrophic effects on our civilization.

Slovakia also contributes to those changes of the Earth´s surface loading. By its landscape´s industrialization (forestry, agricultural and urban industries) it unweights the Earth´s crust in average by 250 millions tons of water, while loading the same amount of water in the oceans. Over the last one hundred years, we have unweighted the earth´s crust in Slovakia and loaded the oceans by more than 12 billion tons of water. Similarily, by their landscape´s industrialization, the EU countries unweight the Europe´s continent and load the oceans by ca 40 billion tons of water. Over the last 100 years, it amounts to more than 4000 billion tons of water. We can say that all the world is responsible for what has occured in Asia.

If the drying out process would continue with same speed as it has been till now, we will witness unusual changes not only concerning weather extremalization, but also more frequent incidence of earthquakes, both at the continents, and at the sea bottom. The solution is simple. What will do is to stop drying out of continents, and to restore the original hydrological cycle, because by drying out of continents we have been systematically working on ultimate self-destruction of the present-day civilization.

With regard to their knowledge of water conditions in Slovakia, and with its interpretation transferred to the conditions of the Earth, People and Water is offering the outcome to the public. LET US STOP THE DRYING OUT OF CONTINENTS. Thus we could mitigate the risk of calamities and floods, droughts and fires, earthquakes and lack of water, food safety, vanishing of biodiversity and potential sources of international conflicts and wars.

We call the citizens and responsible authorities, governmental and private institutions, and international organizations too, to co-operate in stopping the drying out of continents and in restoration of the Planet Earth´s global ecosystem stability. People and Water offers solution in form of the KOSICE WATER PROTOCOL for the 21st Century.

Michal Kravčík e-mail: ludiaavoda@ludiaavoda.sk

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