Global Justice for all Life on the planet
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work on Global Justice ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on Global Justice. A short list of our previous work on Global Justice is shown here

For more recent work on Global Justice read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and author  Read contents
 November 25, 2006   Concerning Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, ending visit to Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory, by Germain Dufour   Read Concerning Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, ending visit to Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory
 November 18, 2006   Global Warming: More Inconvenient Truths , by Diana Trimble , with Simultaneous Policy (SP)   Read Global Warming: More Inconvenient Truths
 October 27, 2006   Join the Discussion with Feminist Pioneer Eleanor Smeal, by Joe Baker, with Care2 and ThePetitionSite team   Read Join the Discussion with Feminist Pioneer Eleanor Smeal
 October 26, 2006   Greenpeace Activist News: Stop Icelandic Whaling, by Greenpeace International   Read Greenpeace Activist News: Stop Icelandic Whaling
 October 24, 2006   Panda conservation success: Halting the decline of the panda , by Tan Rui, with WWF   Read Panda conservation success:  Halting the decline of the panda
  October 4, 2006   Global warming will threaten millions say climate scientists, by Michael McCarthy World News, sent to us by gwcc  Read Global warming will threaten millions say climate scientists
  September 13, 2006   The United Nations : Challenges and Leadership, by René Wadlow with Transnational Perspectives  Read The United Nations rema ins the only universally representative and comprehensively
empowered body the world has to deal with threats to international peace and security.
  September 27, 2006   Greenpeace Activist News: Green my Apple, by Greenpeace  Read Greenpeace Activist News: Green my Apple
  October 1, 2006   Righting Injustice and Recognizing the Human Family. Vote Peace and to Establish War Crimes Truth Commission, by Glen Barry, Ecological Internet, Inc. specializes in the use of the Internet to achieve environmental conservation outcomes.  Read Righting Injustice and Recognizing the Human Family. Vote Peace and to Establish War Crimes Truth Commission
  October 15, 2006   VICTORY: U.S. Roadless Forests Sleep More Safely for Now, by Glen Barry, Forest Conservation Portal  Read VICTORY: U.S. Roadless Forests Sleep More Safely for Now
  October 14, 2006   North Korean crisis: the USA global invasion perspective, by Germain Dufour  Read North Korean crisis: the USA global invasion perspective
  October 13, 2006   California Sues “Big Six” Auto Companies on Global Warming, by Lisa Grob , Friends of the Earth  Read  California Sues “Big Six” Auto Companies on Global Warming
  October 12, 2006   Urgent - Feds Ignore Toxic Threat in Cosmetics, by Lisa Grob , Friends of the Earth  Read  Urgent - Feds Ignore Toxic Threat in Cosmetics
  October 11, 2006   End Clearcutting of Ancient Trees in Tasmania, by Robyn E., Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team  Read End Clearcutting of Ancient Trees in Tasmania
  July 19th, 2006   Only One Man Stands Between Israel And World War III by Geov Parrish with  Read  Only One Man Stands Between Israel And World War III
  July 19th, 2006   Electoral Fraud And Rebellion In Mexico by Roger Burbach with  Read  Electoral Fraud And Rebellion In Mexico
  July 19th, 2006   Access of Evil by Amy Goodman  Read Access of Evil
  June 7, 2006   Earth Treatise: Living for the Earth: Love, Protect, Restore and Kill?! for Gaia by Dr. Glen Barry, Earth Meanders  Read Earth Treatise: Living for the Earth: Love, Protect, Restore and Kill?! for Gaia  Read A proposal for peace
 October 2005  Why justice comes first, and not liberty , by Dr. Zeki Ergas , a scholar, novelist, aspiring poet and occasional journalist. The holder of a Ph. D. in Political Economy and African Studies from Geneva University, he has taught at UC, Berkeley and Georgetown Universities.   Read Another World is Possible
 February 18, 2002  Another World is Possible, by Susan George, who calls on people, particularly in the USA, to form civil society movements and to struggle for an alternative form of globalization.   Read Another World is Possible
 August 2005  Politics and Justice without borders   Read Politics and Justice without borders
  2003 - to present  Global Law   Read Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution  , Bills and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Earth
Government Codes have been updated to include Statutes of year 2005.
 1985 - to present  Earth Court of Justice   Read Earth Court of Justice

The Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. The Global Community Global Justice Movement promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty. The Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about.

Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice.

The Global Community Global Justice Movement stands for:

1.     Each person has the right to have warmth, clean air, clean water, food and housing, along with access to a quality health and educational system.

2.     Every person should be respected, equal, free and able to choose their own destiny.

3.     Everyone should be able to fulfill their full emotional, intellectual and spiritual potential.

4.     Every person must respect the rest of creation and take responsibility for preserving the environment including the fauna and flora, all of which are interdependent and share a divine origin with humanity.

5.     The inalienable rights of the individual include the rights of life, liberty, access to productive property, truly free markets, and equal justice before the law.

6.     It is the duty of democratic government to secure the results the people want from the transparent management of their public affairs, as far as such results do not infringe on the rights of the individual.

7.     The Global Community Global Peace Movement Global Community Global Peace Movement is about educating ourselves to engage in personal diplomacy in another country. We are given opportunities to meet and listen to some of the leading authorities on such subjects as humanitarian and volunteerism, education, politics, historical, social and cultural perspectives, conflict management, teamwork, world affairs, community involvement, and religion.

8.     Global Justice for all Life on the planet and it is about:
*     establishing respect for human and Earth rights;

*     implementing a global regulatory framework for capitals and corporations that emphasizes global corporate ethics, corporate social responsibility, protection of human and Earth rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects;

*     establishing freshwater and clean air as primordial human rights;

*     practicing tolerance and living together in peace and harmony with one another as neighbours;

*     promoting the economic and social advancement of all peoples;

*     maintaining peace and security in the world by using negotiations and peaceful means;

*     finding unity in diversity with all Life;

*     establishing the respect for the life-support system of the planet;

*     keeping Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things, and

*     applying the principle that when there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

The Global Community has shown that corporate-style globalization that ignores the needs of the poor and the environment will no longer be tolerated. The Global Community is joining students, environmentalists, people of faith, human rights activists, and others, in the global struggle against corporate globalization being fought in cities and towns across the world.

We works on issues of global economic and social justice and sustainability. We believe another world is possible and necessary. We envision a world free of corporate domination and crushing debt, particularly in communities of color. We act to expose and change the institutionalized violence wrought by international financial and trade institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization.

Cancel all impoverished country debt to the World Bank and IMF, using the institutions' own resources.

End all World Bank and IMF policies that hinder people's access to food, clean water, shelter, health care, education, and right to organize. (Such "structural adjustment" policies include user fees, privatization, and so-called economic austerity programs).

Stop all World Bank support for socially and environmentally destructive projects such as oil, gas, and mining activities, and all support for projects such as dams that include forced relocation of people.

We are committed to nonviolence and recognizes militarism as a tool used by the global corporate elite to keep money flowing to the privileged few while restricting the rights of people worldwide. We oppose corporate practice which places short-term profits ahead of human dignity, sustainable development and a healthy earth. We stand for the globalization of our rights to speech, thought, religion, assembly, a clean environment, self-determination, freedom from fear and persecution and freedom from poverty.

We stand for the rights of women, children, elderly, affordable health care, strong labor rights and social and economic policies that put people and the environment before profits. We are opposed to the globalization of greed and obscene concentrations of wealth -- we say that another world is possible and necessary.

The Global Community is a non-hierarchical nonviolent organization of individuals and organizations that promotes the arts, conducts workshops, facilitates nonviolent direct actions, educates, organizes, campaigns, empowers, and aims to rip injustice from its roots.

The Global Community movement for Global Justice is committed to making all Global Dialogues and Global Exhibitions safe spaces that are open, accessible, and accepting of all. We welcome everyone to participate in making this happen. If you have any special needs, please let us know.

A short list of our previous work on Global Justice

 Month/year  Theme  Read contents
 1985  Earth rights are the rights to life on Earth   Read Earth rights are the rights to life on Earth
 1985  Justice without borders   Read Justice without borders
 1985   The Global Constitution, Chapter 14.3.6, B.4, Earth Court of Justice   Read  The Global Constitution, Chapter 14.3.6,    B.4,    <I><B>Earth Court of Justice </B></I>

Earth Treatise: Living for the Earth: Love, Protect, Restore and Kill?! for Gaia

by Dr. Glen Barry, Earth Meanders

Subject: EARTH MEANDERS: Earth Treatise: Living for the Earth
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:24:37 -0500
From: ""
To: Joseph Germain Dufour

Earth Treatise: Living for the Earth Love, Protect, Restore and Kill?! for Gaia

Earth Meanders by Dr. Glen Barry
June 7, 2006

The Earth is both sacred and dying. There is no better way to live your life than committing to serving Gaia. As the sum total of the global ecosystem and all biological life, Gaia is the giver of life and worthy of service, worship and if need be revolutionary violence. It is not suggested you become an aesthete militant monk, but rather you do something special with your life. Please consider perfectly achievable lifestyle changes, which simplify and give meaning to your life, in order to align your existence with the needs of the Earth and future humanity. I conclude by considering whether there must be killing to save the Earth.

Live Simply, Joyfully and Well

Live simply, laugh often and love much. Marvel at and be part of the natural world. Study the sky and stars, learn to identify plants and their uses, and watch ants work and play. Find a special intact ecological place to do all you can to protect. Research, organize, agitate and grow the Earth movement to protect your special place, resist ecocide and achieve global ecological sustainability. Raise your children simply with love, respect and discipline; teaching right from wrong and a deep and enduring love for the Earth.

Live a carbon neutral lifestyle. Have one or, if you must, at most two children. Consume quality essentials while spurning false needs. Eat low on the food chain - little or no meat and organic, local foodstuffs when possible. Avoid all old growth wood, toxic poisons and false profits. Find a piece of land to sustain your being while lovingly restoring it to a fully functional ecosystem. Plant and care for seeds native to your bioregion. Feel the mud in your toes.

Love, love and then love some more. Seek truth and knowledge and goodness and justice; valuing ideas, thought and truth rather than celebrity and more material stuff. Be not afraid as your death is certain; rather, concern yourself with how you shall live. When you make mistakes (as you will) get up out of the mud, clean yourself up, and go on wiser for having lived.

Make love. Work hard at a worthy and sustainable livelihood. And then make love again. Enjoy drink and herb in moderation except when you choose to do otherwise. Rejoice at art and sport, beauty and truth. Feel awe and fear in the wilderness even as you rejoice at your and human insignificance. Live, breathe and rejoice at the wonder of creation and then fight like hell to keep it that way. Be. Be alive. Be free. Be one with the Earth.

Further Ruminations on Earth Revolution

As far as we know the only life exists here on the Earth. From primordial sea mats magnificent creatures have evolved including the often violent hairless ape with the opposable thumb. Human life is utterly dependent upon the Earth's ecosystems. Cessation of key ecosystem services such as climatic patterns, fish populations, desertification and many others - which is already happening and accelerating - will mean mass human suffering and death on a magnitude never before seen. It is likely that positive feedbacks as a result of massive and rapid human impacts will rip Gaia apart, making complex life improbable for a very long time.

Let me hypothetically comment further upon Earth revolution. As a last resort when all else has failed, it may be necessary to make a last stand before it is too late, which means soon. It is difficult for me to say as one who left the army as a conscientious objector that in our current unsustainable situation it may be better to kill some now than allow humanity to perish forever. Killing to save the Earth and all her beings is a difficult topic to broach, and I do so not to incite violence, but out of moral and intellectual responsibility to consider all options for saving the Earth.

At some point as the world's rainforests, climate, water and oceans are destroyed for a fast buck - and as all entreaties to power and the elite are rebuffed - all right minded people have to at least consider whether they wish to die with or without a fight and dignity. Have you ever wondered as I have why many Jewish victims of nazism did not resist when being lead to slaughter? Will you die as they did? To suggest one would kill to defeat Hitler but not to save the Earth is morally inconsistent.

You may want to commit yourself to revolutionary action for the Earth. By joining a leaderless and global Earth insurgency, you may choose to show love by destroying oil wells, coal plants and other deadly manifestations of the cancerous growth machine. Killing evil that is destroying creation, washing your hands, and returning to tilling and caring for the Earth could make all the difference between hope and death for the Earth and all her creatures.

Become a cog in the wheel of global ecocide and let there be no compromise in her defense. Embrace non-violence and reject militarism, but be willing to strategically sabotage, fight and if absolutely necessary kill. Do not do so needlessly and make all efforts to not harm innocents.

Be fully cognizant of, and act upon, the incontrovertible truth that with death looming for the Earth, and extinction for most of her species including humans, the only hope for a future is that those entities and their principals driving the Earth's destruction immediately cease their evil activities. Ideally this will be achieved willingly through logical discourse, protest and political processes. Otherwise they may need and deserve to be destroyed. The selfish actions of these Earth destroyers - and there are various levels of culpability from oil executives to SUV owners - is causing global ecological collapse that will kill widely and indiscriminately, unlike Earth revolutionaries, making no effort to spare the innocent.

I have come to believe there is no hope or honor in non-violence at all costs, as the biological foundation of being is destroyed to fuel industrial society. This is a different battle than that of Martin Luther King or Gandhi - it is a battle for our very survival and the habitat required to do so. Fighting violently for an unknowable god and/or country is vacuous and meaningless. Fighting for your Earthly home, future descendents and 3.5 billion years of evolution is glorious, meaningful and holy.

The Earth and humanity's future (if there is to be one) is gentle, just and egalitarian - societies and individuals living simple, sustainable and meaningful lives. Violence has no place unless it is in defense of the very foundation of Earth's life - and after the destroyers have refused to stop despite years of reasonable requests and mounting evidence of the dire consequences of their savagery.

Sadly, I do not see a future for the Earth and humanity that does not include massive violence - either through mayhem as a grossly unsustainable society and economy collapses, or by Earth revolutionaries overthrowing the Earth destroyers thereby averting global ecosystem collapse and ushering in an era of hope, justice, equity and sustainability.

Align your being with the needs of the Earth, doing all this and more, and convince others to do likewise, and your children's children will have a habitat. Do nothing and the Earth and humanity are finished. Show your love and live as if your life depends upon the Earth. It does.


Earth Meanders is a series of personal essays that places questions of environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues. Comments can be made, and past writings can be found, at: . Emailed comments will be posted there as well. Permission is granted to reprint this essay provided it is properly credited.
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