Global Economy
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has conducted Research and Development on global issues and problems ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on Research and Development. A short list of our previous work on Research and Development shown here

For more recent work on Research and Development conducted by the Global Community read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 November 27, 2006   Looking at the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Florida Coasts, by Alliance Communications Group, with innovations-report   Read Looking at the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Florida Coasts
  September 21, 2006   Research paper submitted toward Global Dialogue 2007 by Dr. José G. Vargas-Hernández  Read INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS OF CO – OPERATION AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF TRUST
  February 26th, 2006   Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act  Read Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and  Accountability Act
  February 1st, 2004   The Global Constitution is for all Peoples on Earth, for the Global Community and Earth Government. It is for all life. Not just to fulfill the needs of the most powerful nation.  Read The Global Constitution is for all Peoples on Earth, for the Global Community and Earth Government. It is for all life. Not just to fulfill the needs of the most powerful nation.

A short list of our previous work on Research and Development

 Month/year  Theme  Read contents
  1985   Global Community Assessment Centre  Read   Global Community Assessment Centre
  1985   Measurement of sustainable development  Read   Measurement of sustainable development


Report 1

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Report 2

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Report 3

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