Global Community Peace Movement
Global Community Peace Movement main page  Peace now means Voting  is part of our we the people democracy. It is a the global referendum. It is direct democracy. You have been giving the freedom to choose. We want you to tell us the choices of your local community on global issues. Portal of the Global Community

Peace amongst nations means sharing natural resources.

The Global Community is defined around a given territory, that territory being the planet as a whole, as well as a specific population, which is the Global Community. The Global Community has the power to make the laws of the land and to make the rules for the territory of the Earth. Global Law has been and continue to be researched and developed for this purpose.

Conservation, restoration, and management of the Earth resources is about asking ourselves the question of "Who owns the Earth?" The large gap between rich and poor is connected to ownership and control of the planet's land and of all other Earth natural resources. We, the Global Community, must now direct the wealth of the world towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all.

We are all members of the Global Community. We all have the duty to protect the rights and welfare of all species and all people. No humans have the right to encroach on the ecological space of other species and other people, or treat them with cruelty and violence. All life species, humans and cultures, have intrinsic worth. They are subjects, not commodities, not objects of manipulation or ownership. No humans have the right to own other species, other people or the knowledge of other cultures through patents and other intellectual property rights. Defending biological and cultural diversity is a duty of all people. Diversity is an end in itself, a value, a source of richness both material and cultural. All members of the Global Community including all humans have the right to food and water, to safe and clean habitat, to security of ecological space. These rights are natural rights, they are birthrights given by the fact of existence on Earth and are best protected through global community rights and global commons. They are not given by states or corporations, nor can they be extinguished by state or corporate action. No state or corporation has the right to erode or undermine these natural rights or enclose the commons that sustain all through privatisation or monopoly control.

The Global Community has proposed a democracy for the people based on the fact that land, the air, water, oil, minerals, and all other natural resources rightly belong to the Global Community along with the local communities where those resources are found. The Earth is the birthright of all life. The Global Economic Model proposed by the Global Community is truly the best response to the world.

Criteria for sovereignty of a nation
  • a global community is in place
  • the land and its natural resources are just enough to live a sustainable life and for a healthy living
  • the community governs its owns affairs as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, Global Law, Global Constitution, and the protection of the environment and of the global life-support systems
  • a symbiotical relationship exists between the citizens and the Global Community
  • a democracy based on the fact that land, the air, water, oil, minerals, and all other natural resources within the community rightly belongs to the community along with the Global Community, and that the Earth is the birthright of all life
  • Earth management and taxation of all Earth natural resources

The Earth and all its natural resources belong to all the "global communities" contained therein. A village, or a city is "a global community" and owns the land around its boundaries. Along with the Global Community, it has ownership of all natural resources within its boundaries.

Land here, by definition, covers all naturally occurring resources like surface land, the air, minerals deposits (gold, oil and gas etc), water, electromagnetic spectrum, the trees, fish in the seas and rivers. It is unjust to treat land as private property or a commodity. Land is not a product of labor. Everyone should therefore be given equal access to all natural resources.

This thinking should give us a fresh start for a better future and bring some light to understanding previous claims of the many different groups such as:

  • Native and aboriginal people claiming that their ancestors owned the land so now they do

  • God gave it to us so the land is ours

  • Property ownership system of the Roman Empire to today, our social-economic system of land owership

  • The military power of this world forcing ownership of land and of all other Earth natural resources against the will of everyone else

None of the above groups can claim ownership of the land and other Earth natural resources. They never did own the land and of all other Earth natural resources. And they never will.

Only the Global Community can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth.

Water is a fundamental human right and a public trust to be guarded by all levels of government; therefore, it should not be commodified, privatized or traded for commercial purposes. These rights must be enshrined at all levels of government. In particular, an international treaty must ensure these principles are noncontrovertable.

Water is best protected by local communities and citizens, who must be respected as equal partners with governments in the protection and regulation of water. Peoples of the Earth are the only vehicle to promote democracy and save water.

Similarly, all the Earth natural resources belong to the Global Community to be used, developed and protected for the maximum benefit of the people and of all life.

The Global Community concept of ownership states that land and natural resources of the planet are a common heritage and belong equally to everyone as a birthright. Products and services created by individuals are properly viewed as private property. Products and services created by groups of individuals are properly viewed as collective property.

Taxes should be designed to conserve resources and energy. Rather than taxing jobs and profits, taxes should be moved to resource use and energy consumption and to reward conservation. The community should benefit from the use of commonly held resources.

Taxes should be designed to increase employment. Moving taxes onto resources and land use and off of incomes should make people less expensive to employ. Products produced by green production methods, which tends to use fewer resources and less energy should avoid taxation. As energy costs rise, the price of labour becomes more economical, and green products which tend to encourage value-added processes, should provide more high quality, skilled jobs than resource intensive products.

Resource taxes should be assessed as early as possible. Resources should be taxed before entering the manufacturing process in order to green all aspects of the manufacturing process from extraction to the finished product. Increasing taxes on resource and energy use will encourage resource and energy efficiency, innovation, reuse, repair, recycling, and used material recovery.

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