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The Lethal Nature of Global Law
by Professor Robert Pope

Dierctor, The Science-Art Research centre of Australia. (An Australian Government Approved Research Institute)

This is a comment concerning February 2007 Newsletter with theme:
To the United Nations: there is such a thing as 'global law', and it applies to everyone, no exception. Why would anyone be giving you any tax dollars when your organization has never enforced the law and, instead, operated on the basis of the needs of powerful lobbying groups and governments, never from principles of your Charter.

Subject: Re: Paper re To the United Nations: 'global law' applies toeveryone,no exception
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:23:10 +1100
From: "Science-Art Centre"
To: "Global Information Media"
References: 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5

It is a scientific nightmare, that the acceleration of global chaos is consistent with the concept of advising the United Nations that there is a such a thing as ‘global law’ and that it applies to everyone, no exception. In the present fixed scientific worldview, the idea of rule by ‘global Law’ has only one meaning, which is to be governed by an illogical universal law, that is accelerating the present global chaos crisis.

The thinking of the United Nations is tied to the present fixed worldview and is a product of it. Sir Arthur Eddington called the law governing this worldview, the Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe. Einstein called it the Premier Law of all Science, known also as the universal law of chaos. This law demands the eventual extinction of all life in the universe and a result, all life sciences are compelled to be only about species in a state of chaotic extinction.

The problem is, that the fixed worldview has collapsed. Hamburg University scholars recently demonstrated that the understanding of this law is illogical. They refer to a Theory of Science that has been reviewed as far surpassing anything written in the world literature concerning a systematic sketch of logic. This acclaimed scientific theory completely undermines the logic upholding the fixed worldview. A growing number of scientists are complaining about the continual violence that is being perpetrated by the so called ’supreme’ law. The prominent astrophysicist from the Max Plank Institute, Professor Peter Kafka, has classified this governing law as 'useless' and 'diabolical', being used by scientists, technologists and politicians to accelerate the present global crisis. Rather than this being a diabolical process, Professor Kafka, considers it to be illogical without malicious intent.

On the 5th of September, 2006, The American Council for The United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node, awarded the author, a DECREE OF RECOGNITION. This was for a lifetime ontribution toward the betterment of the global human condition, including the development of ethical physics. His Science-Art Research Centre’s worldview, had been given credence by the discovery of a vast new science and technology, discovered in 1992 from the work of Pierre de Gennes, who won the1991 Nobel Prize in Physics. The principal discoverer of the new technology, Professor Barry Ninham, later appointed as the Italian National Chair of Chemistry, wrote that the Centre’s work encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions. The award recognized over a quarter of a century of continual and successful research that demonstrated that the ‘supreme’ law was based upon completely false assumptions.

In 1979 the Science-Unit of Australian National Television documented the Centre’s Creative Physics theories into their series entitled The Scientists - Profiles of Discovery. The Australian Commonwealth Government and UNESCO, sponsored the author's attendance at the World Summit Meeting of Science, held in Trieste as part of the Einstein 100th Anniversary Celebrations. At the congress, Einstein’s colleague, China’s most highly awarded physicist, Kun Huang, provided the Centre with a research methodology to identify the nature of the physics forces that governed optimum biological growth and development through space-time. Huang pointed out that the ancient Greek life-form geometry, held to link evolution to infinity, rather that extinction,could be located within the world fossil record. He suggested that by comparing the changes to geometrical patterning over evolutionary time scales, the nature of the physics forces governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time, might be identified.

During the 1980s the Centre had several life-energy papers published by Italy’s leading scientific journal, Il Nuovo Cimento. In 1990 two of these papers were selected as important discoveries of the 20th Century and were reprinted in Washington by the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. In 1995 the work won a physics first prize in Europe, internationally acclaimed for discovering the physics forces postulated by Kun Huang. In 1995 the objection by senior Australian physicists, that while the work was not factually erroneous, it was inconceivable, was overturned by the Australian Government as an incompetent opinion. This clearly demonstrated that an organized irrational hostility to any challenge to the fixed worldview predominated.

On the 8th of March, 2006, the Australian newspaper, published a Higher Education article, written by Professor Julian Cribb, Editor of the R&D Review at the University of Technology in Sydney. The article held that the stakeholders controlling technological development within the democracies, tolerated no challenge to the fixed worldview, compelling people to live in the equivalent of a crude Third World dictatorship. It is a cold fact that the fixed worldview is governed by a now obsolete ’global law’ of universal chaos.

Apart from greed and the lust for power, enforcing destructive chaos on a global scale, the ‘supreme’ law is preventing the use of newly discovered scientific logic to develop human survival technology in the face of global warming. An even far more dangerous ‘cancer’ exists, than the one causing continual global destructive violence and environmental degradation. Artificial intelligence, whatever it is, has been constructed upon a false prime directive, that all life must be destroyed. This ‘virus‘ has the 'programmed' potential to mutate and accelerate beyond imaginable speeds, resulting in immediate human extinction.

The seeds of Western science were sown in ancient Greece during the 5th Century BC. The philosopher Anaxagoras proposed that a whirling force called the Nous, acted upon primordial particles in space to onstruct the physical worlds and evolve intelligence. For some three hundred years, the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy attempted to fuse ethics into the Nous, in order to develop the Science for Ethical Ends. To that effect, the philosopher Epicurus held that atomic movement generated an evolutionary wisdom. The movement of celestial bodies was also held to generate the ‘Music of the Spheres‘, imparting wisdom into human consciousness through the forces of harmonic resonance. The universal musical harmonics contained a geometry that extended to infinity and because human emotion responded to it, humans were thought to possess properties linked to the functioning of the infinite universe. The geometrical rationality upholding this idea was the precursor to modern fractal geometrical logic, which mainstream science admits to being infinite. However, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the fixed worldview holds that evolution cannot be part of evolving fractal reality.

It is of interest that Cicero, the Roman lawyer in the 1st Century BC recorded that Epicurus’ particle physics theories were basic to a science that existed throughout Italy and across to Turkey. Cicero referred to it as a ‘Saviour Science’ in which Epicurus was called ‘The Saviour’, teaching universal love. It is ironic that Thomas Jefferson, in his letter to Edward Dows, 19th April 1803, considered that Jesus Christ had epitomised Epicurus’ teachings and so inherited that 'scientific' title. In his letter to Charles Thomson, 9th, January 1816, Jefferson wrote that Epicurus was the greatest of the Greek philosophers and considered that the genuine and not imputed doctrines of Epicurus, contained everything rational in moral philosophy which Greece and Rome had left for posterity. Thomas Jefferson argued that the atomistic physics involved, had been misinterpreted by the Church. It can be considered that some form of religious persuasion influenced the particle physics theories that were formulated by him during the formation of the concept of democratic liberty.

In 'Physics Today', October, 2006, Professor Burton Richter's Editorial, denounced the current condition of Contemporary Particle Physics as being “theological speculations". This perceived religious influence becomes a concern, as claims are being made that it is preventing meaningful research into obtaining new clean energies and fuels to solve the threat of global climate change. Today, it is difficult to associate religion with physics. However, Western Universities were dominated by history’s Dr of Physics, Saint Thomas Aquinas’ incorrect physics theories for some three centuries, establishing a fundamental false assumption that still underlies modern physics.

The concept of compelling people to accept an illogical ‘Supreme metaphysical law governing the entire universe’, in which all life sciences can only be about species in a state of extinction, can be considered to be an illogical form of religious persuasion. The existing global technological culture can indeed be perceived to be governed by such a law. The discovery of fractal geometry in 1980 has been hailed by as the most mportant geometrical discovery in the history of the world. The Centre’s discovery of new physics principles has been acclaimed as one of the great discoveries of the 20th Century. These new principles of physics and geometry have a fundamental association with the concept of human liberty within a democracy.

In his paper Science and the great American Experiment - How Newton’s Laws shaped the Constitution, Professor John Patrick Diggins, explains how one of the Founding Fathers of The Constitution of the United tates of America, Alexander Hamilton, summarised the thrust of 85 essays, published in New York newspapers between October 1787 to August 1788. The essays were written to promote the adoption of the proposed new Constitution by the people. Hamilton wrote that “Liberty is ensured, not by civic virtue, but by the design of government itself, which, in turn, rests upon the principles of physics and geometry”. New physics principles embracing fractal geometry and the verified physics principles proposed by Kun Huang, must now be included, in order to honour the ennobling democratic ethos.

It has been demonstrated that healthy futuristic biological growth and development simulations cannot be generated within the fixed worldview. By assuming the universe to be infinite, futuristic life-form imulations, can be generated with no ‘cancerous’ biological distortions. This is consistent with Sir Isaac Newton’s conviction, that the universe is infinite and that a more profound natural philosophy existed to balance his mechanical description of the universe. It is important to note that Sir Isaac Newton’s heretical balancing physics principles were the same as those upholding the ‘forbidden’ ancient Greek Science for Ethical Ends.

If we are to upgrade ethical physics concepts, it surely behoves us to search for some sort of pragmatic hope to assuage the intense emotional vacuum, caused to many people by a denunciation of the theological peculation governing fixed world particle physics. The spiritual wrench is so profound to so many people, that a need to find some sort of salve, in a description of the new creative physics technology, is indicated. To allay this concern, the term 'spiritual' is well accommodated within the reality of David Bohm’s holographic universe, in which the electron is considered to be conscious.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant incorrectly translated the Greek particle movement ethics in physics, into what is now called ‘Aesthetics’. During the 18th Century the mathematician Bernard Bolzano, wrote a Theory of Science specifically to correct Kant’s Aesthetics. Bolzano’s acclaimed rigorous scientific logic, has been rediscovered and found to introduce overwhelming argument that negates the assumptions upholding the governing unbalanced ‘supreme global law’.

The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia is concerned that civilization is accelerating toward a global crisis of catastrophic proportions. The meaning of civic virtue appears lost within a confusion of religious, scientific, political and economic persuasions. Science, as it is, without a logical aesthetics component, demonstrates itself to be incapable of providing the principles necessary to sustain a harmonious relationship with the environment, necessary to ensure human survival.

Professor Robert Pope

Dierctor, The Science-Art Research centre of Australia. (An Australian Government Approved Research Institute)

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