The Global Community has had work on previous Arts, Sciences and Technology aspects and issues ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Arts, Sciences and Technology aspects and issues.
For more recent work on Arts, Sciences and Technology aspects and issues read the following table.
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December 10, 2007 |
The Missing Link in Creationism
by Sean Gonsalves
AlterNet, The Mix is the Message
How can social conservatives deny Darwin's theory of evolution while espousing social Darwinism?
I confess my heresy: like the Jesuit theologian/paleontologist Pierre Teilhard did 50 odd years ago, I'm a believer whose made his peace with evolution. But then,
I've never understood why science and faith are discussed as if they're mutually exclusive. Folks who think evolution is an inherently atheist argument or those
who think evolution disproves the existence of God are people with little imagination. The evolution vs. creationism debate may be an unavoidable political fight
but much more relevant and revealing is what many evolution-believing secular conservatives and evolution-denying religious conservatives have in common: a
belief in social Darwinism. A popular misconception is that Darwin coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." Actually, Darwin's thing was "natural selection,"
which turns out to involve lots of cooperation.
So while science battles evolution-opponents, I'm trying to understand a conservative political species that opposes evolution on religious grounds while supporting
social Darwinism on the political and economic grounds. There's a missing link here. |
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November 14, 2007 |
Palm oil: Cooking the Climate Once you pop, you can't stop
by Greenpeace Canada
Indonesia — If, as you read this, you're tucking into a KitKat or dipping into a tube of Pringles, you might be interested
to know that these products contain palm oil that is linked to the destruction of forests and peatlands in Indonesia. As our new report "How the palm oil industry
is cooking the climate" shows, it's a recipe for disaster. The manufacturers of these products - Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever - are sourcing their palm oil from suppliers who aren't picky about where they site their
plantations. As the volunteers at the Forest Defenders Camp in Sumatra have seen, this includes tearing up areas of pristine forest then draining and burning the
peatlands. Indonesia's peatlands act as huge carbon stores so replacing them with plantations them not only threatens the amazing biodiversity, including the rare Sumatran tiger,
it also releases huge volumes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They only cover 0.1 per cent of the land on Earth, but thanks in part to the activities of the palm
oil industry they contribute 4 per cent to global emissions. If expansion of the palm oil industry continues unabated, that figure can only rise.
What's to be done? The Indonesian government should urgently introduce a moratorium on forest and peatland destruction, which will provide a chance to develop long-term
solutions and prevent further emissions from deforestation. And our eyes are fixed firmly on the UN climate meeting in Bali next month, where the next phase of the Kyoto
Protocol will be discussed. With deforestation accounting for up to a fifth of global emissions, including financing for forest protection as a core part of the plan to
tackle climate change is essential. | Read |
November 10, 2007 |
Biotech to figure in new EU-India S&T cooperation
published by Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture and by Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd.
Biotechnology in agriculture, bio-fuel, climate change and energy security are top on the agenda of the European Union’s new offer for science and technology cooperation with India.
I am confident that we are embarking upon a new eara in science and technology cooperation between the European Union and India. Our S&T cooperation agreement is
about to be renewed for a further 5 years and we are about to announce new exciting opportunities for collaborative research, which may include biotechnology in
agriculture, bio-fuel, climate change, energy security and computational material science. We will establish a road map of our strategic S&T cooperation for 2008
and beyond.
| Read
October 2, 2007 |
The Folly, Egoism And Dangers Of Climate Geo-Engineering
by Dr. Glen Barry
Is humanity so resistant to change that we will tamper with the
biosphere's workings to construct a "Frankensphere"; rather than
reducing population, consumption and emissions?
Earth Meanders
It is being widely suggested that humanity can "geo-engineer" a global
solution to climate change; that is, modify the Earth's biosphere at a
planetary scale. Many methods are suggested. Most include either
reflecting additional solar radiation away from the Earth, or using the
ocean to store more carbon.
Geo-engineering represents the shameless extreme nature of societal
refusal to cut energy use and emissions. We have not even really tried in
earnest as a human family to do so through conservation, efficiency and
alternatives. Yet, before we have even begun, we are going to bet the
human family's future on technological fixes that we hope will allow us
to continue consuming, and pumping out babies and emissions, without
I am furious; absolutely certain with every thread of my ecological
knowledge, intuition and being that no good and a large amount of harm
will come from geo-engineering. Proposed global scale experimental
environmental fixes will be disastrous. Under no circumstances may
untested planetary manipulations commence until all other options have
failed. The seeds of an operable biosphere remain, they must be given
time and space to reestablish themselves; and humanity challenged and
aided by all means to embrace necessary radical change.
The biosphere belongs to all people and tribes, and should it come to
wild once off experiments with the Earth, the decision must be made by
United Nations' consensus. Until then, government prohibitions on
unsanctioned activities must be implemented with all haste. Given the
lack of regulation against such planetary scale climate experiments,
direct action to stop arbitrary and capricious geo-engineering
implementation is warranted and necessary.
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