Title of the presentation

Evolutionity and Application of the Scale of Global Rights to Global Issues.

Paper: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/Dialogue2021/Newsletters/September2020/Congress_Philosophy_OPOLE2020/CongressPolishPhilosophyOpole2020.html

Presented at

First Congress of Polish Philosophy OPOLE 2020


Germain Joseph Dufour, M.Sc.

Department of Physics, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada

My name is Germain Joseph Dufour. Thank you Professor Julian Korab-Karpowicz for inviting me to present a Paper and talk to the First Congress of Polish Philosophy OPOLE 2020. The theme of my work is Evolutionity and Application of the Scale of Global Rights to Global Issues.

Over the past several decades humanity has bettered itself through the acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by most nations. But now is the time to reach to our next step of human evolution, that is the approval of a scale of social values, the Scale of Global Rights, and thus to prepare for Evolutionity, a new epoch to follow Postmodernity as envisioned in the book Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus, an important proposal that was brought forward by Professor Julian Korab-Karpowicz. His innovative, original “Evolutionity” work was aimed at saving humanity from self destruction.


From one moment in history with modernizing the world, to the next step being post modernizing, and finally to the historical and ultimate future of humanity, the new evolutionary epoch, Evolutionity is helping us to overcome the narrow materialistic and deterministic interpretations of reality.


In several private communications from Professor Korab-Karpowicz, he has described once more the term "Evolutionity" and wrote that it is no longer related merely to the transformation of matter or the biological improvement of human bodies, but also proceeds through the development of our minds, as seen in our scientific and technological achievements, the effects of which we can see every day. However, the expansion of scientific knowledge is not enough if ethics is lacking. To continue with the vision of Evolutionity, we also need to create cultural environments and social conditions in which individual human beings can fully develop morally and intellectually, and continuously make progress from one to another generation. He also discussed global issues in his book. To name just a few, these are related to: politics, human nature, the state, freedom, solidarity, democracy, civilization, war and peace. The main objective of his work is to demonstrate the necessity and to provide a guide for the redirection of humanity. He explains that this paradigm shift must involve changing the character of social life and politics from competitive to cooperative, encouraging moral and intellectual virtues, providing foundations for happy societies, promoting peace among countries and building a strong international community. He has shown that the essence of politics is not a struggle for power but rather the ability to organize society for cooperation. He proposed that the new positive world transformation must be a moral transformation based on the correct recognition of our true identity as human beings.

From the most ancient time to today, Evolutionity has been at work. History shows that empires rise and fall, governments come and go, but civilizations remain and survive political, social, economic and even difficult ideological changes. Now is time for us all to come forward and to activate, organize, promote the only way possible for our survival as human beings on our planet. Let us give the world, Peoples, a new impetus and healthy inspiration for survival. Let us build the needed multicivilizational state. Evolutionity along with Global Civilizational State imply the cultural coming together of humanity and the acceptance of common values, beliefs, orientations, practices and institutions by people throughout the world, all societies. Human beings in almost all societies already share basic values. Both Evolutionity together with Global Civilizational State offer short and long term solutions to the people of all nations to assure the survival of life on Earth. Both solutions require the acceptance of the Scale of Global Rights as our guide for survival.

Scale of Global Rights
( see enlargement xx)

The first thing we need to do is to show the world the healthy impacts of the Scale of Global Rights by finding the most important global issues for humanity survival, and explaining why they are the most important issues, and finally show how the application of the Scale of Global Rights on those global issues raised so vividly several very key aspects of what Peoples need to do for survival, and how important Sections 1,2 and 3 on the Scale of Global Rights and that it shall be Global Parliament highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member Nations and to have proper legislation and implement and enforce Global Law as it applies. Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Global Parliament to secure these other rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These rights are defined as Directive Principles, obligating Global Parliament to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.

( see enlargement xx)

Several very important global issues were analyzed with respect to the different sections of the Scale of Global Rights. Over the past decades, the most important global issues of the world were discussed and explained in the monthly Global Community Newsletters. The application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues has been conducted ever since 1985, and is now the theme of Global Dialogue 2021. Our results have shown that only the Scale of Global Rights can effectively evaluate the degree of importance of global issues with respect to humanity survival now and future generations. Associated global rights were assigned to the degree of importance of each Section of the Scale, and results have shown that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is no longer serving adequately humanity and its survival. Only the Scale of Global Rights can quide us all toward survival.

It is time now to leave the Universal Declaration of Human Rights behind and reach to our next step of human evolution, that is the approval of a scale of social values, the Scale of Global Rights. Primordial human rights on the Scale are separate categories from those of community rights, the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future. Sections 1,2,and 3 on the Scale of Global Rights are therefore much more important than sections 4,5, and 6.

In conclusion, the world situation is calling for far greater resolve. Heads of State must come together under the articles of a newly formed multinational body with powers beyond those of the United Nations and other such multinational organizations. Let us all activate the leadership of Global Civilizational State. The organization offers short and long term solutions to the people of all nations to assure the survival of life on Earth. Both solutions require the acceptance of the Scale of Global Rights as our guide for survival. As a first step, all nations should approve the first three sections on the Scale of Global Rights. The approval would also supersede the political and physical borders of participating member nations. The approval would mean politics and justice without borders only concerning those three sections. In this way the Scale of Global Rights gives us a sense of direction for future planning and managing of the Earth.

Business, trade and global resources.
( see enlargement Business, trade and global resources. )

Earth governance and management is now well defined and becomes a goal to achieve. We no longer waste energy and resources in things that are absolutely unimportant. It has also become a necessity of establishing the Global Trade and Resources Ministry that will be assessing, compiling, managing and protecting Earth resources, and the Earth Court of Justice prosecuting cases involving crimes related to the relentless misused of the Earth resources.

Thank you.